Innovation solutions
The word synapsi comes from Greek synaptein, which means to fasten together, to connect. The adjective synaptica describes the characteristic of the mechanism responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses from one neuron to another. It is inspired by this characteristic, where between the smallest cells communication is generated, that we have named our company and designed our logo: Sinaptica IT.
Since 2003 Sinaptica IT has developed information technology systems offering innovative solutions to its customers: what people would dream of in the future we make it real in the present.
In many operational situations, information management takes up many resources, in terms of time and energy, and can generate, at the same time, an excess of work and cause information dispersion. Today, Sinaptica IT provides a remarkable know-how of complex organization’s needs and thorough experience on problems related to the amount of information each single operator has to manage, produce and reproduce. We specialize in situations where tight deadlines and responsibilities towards the given company or the final user are paramount.
Our commitment is not limited to information technology systems that can efficiently answer our customers’ needs, but goes far beyond. Our primary objective is to offer innovation solutions able to free non streamline resources through open, dynamic systems that can be useful to final users
What do we do?
Sinaptica IT develops its own innovation solutions on three service levels: SinapticaMED (for eHealth), SinapticaEDU (for eLearning) and SinapticaEGO (for eGovernment). Furthermore, Sinaptica IT offers consulting services, even on a continuous basis, that include customers’ IT systems analysis, feasibility studies, and participation in research and development groups dedicated to particular projects.
SinapticaMED proposes a wide range of eHealth services, among them: tele-assistance, telemonitoring, telebookings, teleconference platforms, data and bioimagines transfer. SinapticaMED solutions open a new important boundary of medical assistance: it makes the ordinary management of a health institution easier and allows clinical structures, physicians and patients to be in contact with each other with clinical data on hand. SinapticaMed system allows for home provision of health services and prevents over-crowding of health institutions; it also provides better safeguard, monitoring and caring for the quality of life of chronic patients or patients living in difficult to access areas.
SinapticaEDU is the Sinaptica IT line of products oriented to eLearning. SinapticaEDU offers products and services aimed at distance education and the electronic management, organization and logistics of university exams. SinapticaEDU offers the advantages of digital tools, allowing teaching and learning without the need of a physical environment or time constraints. Furthermore, it enables the automation of administrative tasks for teaching staff. SinapticaEDU solutions are connected to EsamiOnline, which puts together the framework of an educational path tailored to the student who, with the help of multimedia technology, can make the most of the possibilities offered by learning without location and time constraints.
SinapticaEGO is the line of products and management services for the public administration, aimed at answering public bodies’ requirements in terms of development of preventive control activities and result-orientated final balance sheets. SinapticaEGO solutions are connected to Archimede, which, combined with the body’s accounting system, allows administrative accounting control, management control and balance sheets functions. SinapticaEGO presents its own line of products as open source tools, complying with the latest Italian legislation on public administration.