The WebCom App also for eTrials



WebCom is the tool to automatically communicate online with the Sinaptica IT cloud services, and now it is also available for the eTrials platform.

Sinaptica IT, after having released the WebCom App for Android to be used with the ClinicOnline case history platform, has also implemented the tool for the clinical trials platform - that is, eTrials. Thus, it will now be possible to use the same App to access both platforms.


Indeed, eTrials is our second platform to interact with the WebCom App and it can be used by both, health operators and patients:

  • Health operators can rapidly manage queries while on the move.
  • Patients may receive possible queries on self reported data thanks to the ePRO function of the platform.


Accessing the system without using your user id and password

Thanks to the development of this tool for the eTrials platform as well, now it is possible to access the system without needing to use your user id and password - through your own smartphone using the WebCom App. Indeed, when accessing the platform from your computer, you only need to scan the QR-code with your smartphone to be immediately identified and able to work.